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My Best Vacation

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My Best Vacation
When I was 18 years old, I had an opportunity to visit the Great Wall with my
parents. That was my best vacation in my life, because my father, my mother, my sister
and I spent three days together visiting one of the most beautiful places in the world.
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There are several reasons why it was my best vacation. First of all, I like visiting
historic place and the Great Wall is a historic site. The construction of the Wall first began
during the Warring States period about 2,500 years ago. Some kingdoms built huge walls
hoping to protect their territories. When Qin Shihuang or the First Emperor unified China
in 221 B.C., he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also
extended. From that we got the Great Wall. The Qin Great Wall hasn¡¦t gotten much left
today. In the subsequent dynasties, the Great Wall was rebuilt many times. The last
massive rebuilding of the Great Wall was in Ming Dynasty. When I climbed the Great
Wall and I touched one of the stones, which built the wall, and I felt that I were in that
time when people built the wall.
Secondly, I like to challenge human limit to climb. The Great Wall meanders from
east Shanhaiguan to west Jiayuguan for about 6,000 kilometers or 12,000 li, and that¡¦s
why we call it in Chinese ¡§Wan Li Chang Cheng¡¨, which literally means ¡§Ten Thousand
Li Long Wall¡¨. That¡¦s why the Great Wall is a perfect place to climb for me.
Moreover, the Great Wall has beautiful view. My sister and I climbed toward the
highest spot of the Great Wall. It was very steep there and the surface was a little slippery.
We climbed very carefully and finally we reach the highest spot of the Great Wall, it was
a fire tower. On the top of the fire towers we can see green mountains roll over one anther.
Lush trees dot the slopes. A gentle breeze caresses us, and the Great Wall winds its way
like a giant serpent. That is such a lovely place!
The last reason why I like visiting the Great Wall is about an affecting story. When
I was a kid my mother told me the story about Meng Jiangnu. In 221 B.C., at Shanxi
Province there was a poor scholar. One day the soldiers came to his village and seized
every man in sight, but the scholar managed to escape by hiding himself in a garden. A
beautiful young girl named Ming Jiangnu who helped him discovered him. Soon they fell
in love. But on their wedding day he was seized by the soldiers and taken to the Great
Wall to work. For months and months, Meng Jiangnu waited for her husband to return but
there was no news of him. Finally she decided to go to the Great Wall to look for him.
After searching for him many weeks, she gave up her hope. In great despair she knelt by
the wall and wept for three days and three nights. The wall, weakened by her tears,
collapsed around here and there. Later the dead body of her husband was appeared. She
was heart-broken, and she threw herself into the sea.
When I see the Great Wall again and again, I would not forget how many people
died for built the Great Wall. This is not only a historic site but also a crystal of Chinese
sweat and blood.

Please note that this sample paper on My Best Vacation is for your review only.
In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes.
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Your custom paper on My Best Vacation will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.
Order your authentic assignment from Essay service for your My Best Vacation paper and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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