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I, Juan de Pareja
By Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
I, Juan de Pareja, is a novel about a black African boy’s life story and how he was born into slavery in a town called Seville. Juan was a real live person in the seventeenth century. He was first owned by the same master as his mother who died when he was only five years old. His mistress was very kind to him. She thought him his letters. When his master and mistress fell ill and passed, he was sent to his master’s nephew, Velázquez. Through out this book I have learned a little bit more about this time period.
To learn how others through out the years have treated people of different race is interesting to me. Especially how in that century the slaves were treated better then how, we had treated slaves in our own country. For the most part the slaves were treated as almost equal. For the most part you did not have a master that would beet you. All though Juan did get beet by the guy that took him to Velázquez house.
College Essays on I, Juan de Pareja
Back in the seventeenth century, they had a rule that slaves were not able to do the fine arts, I think this is was very wrong. The slaves had to ask there masters for permission to have a wife, the women didn’t ask. Also to learn what it is like to work with what they call the world’s greatest painter. To watch someone of that skill would be a great experience I wish I could do.
Velázquez was an important painter and courtier of the seventeenth century. Before this book I had no idea who he was. Now I know that he was a court painter for King Phillip the 4th. He also painted a portrait of the pope. He had a lot of people that thought that he could not do paint the pope for Spanish had no talent. But Velazquez proved them all wrong.
In conclusion reading I, Juan de Pareja, was a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend this novel to anyone who does not like history books. You learn and it is really easy to read. This was a little hard for me to read do to the deaths that he had to deal with and my personal dealing with it. This novel has shown me that it is possible to move on after someone in your life passes on.
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