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Hermann Hesses, Siddhartha, tells the story of a young man who sets out in search of his true self. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha continues to search for the true meaning of life and along his journey finds himself in constant conflict with himself and his surroundings. Siddhartha has many disagreements with his peers, even the ones he loves, on his search for truth. He also has a great conflict with religions, seeking out theological answers plays a key role in Siddhartha’s path to Nirvana. However, the most conflict he faces is with himself. He is always searching inside his soul for answers and is constantly fighting his conscience to make the right decisions. He sacrifices everything, almost to the point of self-destruction, before finding what he is really looking for.
Siddhartha has several conflicts between himself and his peers. Despite Govindas love and adoration, Siddhartha knows that he must tell his friend to move on. Siddhartha also meets Kamala, who lessens his character by teaching him to gamble and lust over women, he knows this is not the way to truth and in the end has many conflicts with Kamala. Siddhartha also encounters Vasudeva, the ferryman, who teaches Siddhartha to listen to the rivers voices but still cannot find peace until he becomes one with the river. Throughout his journey, Siddhartha has differences with the people that surround him.
Siddhartha also struggles from a religious conflict. He begins his life as a Brahmin, but because of his dissatisfaction, left the religion in hope of finding something more. As a result, Siddhartha becomes a Samana, though later realizing that spirit alone cannot bring complete fulfillment and will not help him succeed on his journey to enlightenment. Finally, Siddhartha escapes from structured religion, and begins to create his own ways of thinking and discovering his fulfillment and happiness. Siddhartha ultimately solves this conflict in religions by opening his mind to nature and making his own path in life.
Siddharthas final conflict remains an internal struggle. Dissatisfied and determined, Siddhartha searches to fill his spiritual void. Despite his many failed attempts, he refuses to give up and searches his soul for answers. Nothing seems to completely fulfill him until meeting Vasudeva and listening to the river. He realizes that time does not exist and that everyman must create his own path in life to obtain Nirvana. Though this internal conflict continues through the majority of the novel, the main character finally finds a solution.
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During his journey, Siddhartha must overcome these conflicts. While some of them are negative, others prove to be for the best. Siddhartha always learns from his mistakes and always absobured the good lessons wise people try and teach him. As a result of his struggles, Siddhartha learns that happiness is not found through intellect, spirit, or commerce alone. True happiness comes from inner peace and fulfillment.
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