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"You wouldn't believe the things that go on in this war..."

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The people of Quang Ngai, China have a history of rebellion dating back far into the sixteenth century. It was there that the Vietminh troops led revolts against and defeated the French in the 10s and after World War II and where the Viet Cong fought the Saigon government in the 150s and 160s.

When Vietnam was partitioned in 154, Saigon officials estimated 0,000 southerners went north to join the Hanoi regime. More than 0 percent of them came from Quang Ngai. By the mid-160s Quang Ngai’s population was estimated to be 640,000 making it South Vietnam’s third largest province. It was also considered to be the toughest Viet Cong stronghold in the country.

Attempts to separate the Viet Cong from the people began in 16, when the Saigon government launched the Strategic Hamlet Program (a.k.a. pacification or rural construction). Entire families were taken and moved into fortified hamlets (small villages) and those that refused to go had their homes and fields burned by the South Vietnamese army, but the program failed and embittered the peasants and did very little to drive out the Viet Cong. Those living inside of the hamlets, though, were still in contact with the National Liberation Front, the political arm of the Viet Cong, and the gates and walls inside the hamlets were scribbled over with Viet Cong slogans of defiance.

Quang Ngai became the target for the first major American combat operation of the Vietnam War. The mission, conducted in 165 by the U. S. marines, was called “Operation Starlight” and more than 700 Viet Cong were reported killed.Essay help on "You wouldn't believe the things that go on in this war..."

A new concept of pacification was devised in order that the marines are able to free Quang Ngai and its people from Communist control. The orders, as told by a senior officer in 166, were to sanitize the region kill the Viet Cong and get the civilians out. In guerrilla warfare the guerrillas are the fish and the people are the water; to catch the fish, you must remove the water, was a common reference to how the American military should go about getting rid of the Viet Cong.

By this time much of Quang Ngai had been declared a free-fire zone, in which all inhabitants were assumed to be Viet Cong or Viet Cong sympathizers and U. S. forces needed no permission from Saigon or local officials for bombing missions or artillery attacks. This being said, soldiers took this opportunity to bomb and/or shoot at anything that looked like it may be a target, yet the Viet Cong continued their hold on Quang Ngai.

In 167, Task Force Oregon was formed to sanitize the Communists in the area. It included two infantry brigades, one airborne unit and a brigade of Korean marines. In four months, Task Force Oregon claimed ,00 kills of Viet Cong, 800 captured weapons, and 5,000 arrested suspects in the area. By this time, as an indirect cause of U. S. operations in Quang Ngai, at least 18,000 civilians had been made homeless and brought into refugee camps, because 70 percent of the dwellings in the province had been destroyed by bombs or fire. By the fall of 167, the only government hospital in the area was a 400-bed facility treating around 700 patients a month.

In September a new unit, the Americal Division, took control of combat operations in Quang Ngai and was composed of three brigades the 16th, which had served in part of Task Force Oregon, and two new units, the 11th Brigade from Hawaii, and the 18th Brigade from Texas.

The new division was not an elite fighting force, and thus did not warrant having the helicopters and armored equipment of an airborne division. There was much competition between the three brigades of the division and each division ultimately came up with their own brigade patch instead of wearing the patch of the division. This competition led out onto the war grounds, where units competed over the number of enemy killed or body count. Vietnam was a chance for these men to put in combat duty and earn battle ribbons. Coming home with combat experience was thought to be vital in future promotion. At the time, desire to see combat was so high among field grade officers majors and above that command experience was limited to six months.

Majority of the troops in the front-line were draftees, knowing little about Vietnam and caring even less. Ranking officers had little use for the average combat GI, ground infantry, though the officers would deny it in public. One officer actually stating, “We are at war with the ten-year-old children. It may not be humanitarian, but that’s what it’s like.”

In 168 the GIs were educated on the rights of prisoners for approximately two hours a year. The GIs assigned to Vietnam were given a wallet-sized card entitled “The Enemy in Your Hands,” which told soldiers “Always treat your prisoners humanely.”

Most GIs were ignorant when it came to Vietnamese customs, most of this ignorance coming from the lack of information given to them by the Army about the country and its people while in training. One example of this ignorance was given by Clair Culhane, a Canadian who served as a volunteer in a tuberculosis hospital in Quang Ngai City in 167-68, who told about GIs who complained about Vietnamese not caring about their own children, believing that the mothers tried to leave their young behind while being evacuated. One GI commented on an incident in which a woman got onto a helicopter after setting her baby on the ground and when he picked the child up to hand it to her she began shouting and pointing at the ground. What the GI didn’t know is that a peasant woman in Quang Ngai believes that it is unlucky to carry a baby across a threshold, and so she always sets the child down, steps across, and then reaches back and picks up the child in one single movement. Since most GIs could not speak the Vietnamese language, they assumed the Vietnamese to be cruel and ignorant themselves.

“Find the bastards and pile on” was the motto of one of the highly praised colonels in Vietnam, in 167-68 was George S. Patton III, son of the famous World War II leader, who was commander of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment just south of Quang Ngai. He celebrated Christmas of 168 by sending Christmas cards wishing peace on earth from him and his wife with an attached photograph of dismembered Viet Cong soldiers stacked in a pile. In September of 16 Colonel Patton was promoted to brigadier general of the U. S. Army, making him one of the youngest officers to achieve the rank.

The Viet Cong made it very hard for the Americal Division’s to find them, because the Viet Cong controlled their military only at night. Much tension was caused between the Americans and the people of Quang Ngai, because when reports were made of sniper fire, the only choice that the soldiers of the divisions had was to drop bomb and artillery into villages, mostly destroying them, and hope that they were getting the Viet Cong that were supposedly there. This method was called the search-and-destroy method, or informally as the scorched-earth policy.

Terry Reid of Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, spent much of 168 serving with the 11th Brigade of the Americal Division near Chu Li, north of Quang Ngai. Indiscriminate slaughtering of Vietnamese women and children was commonplace in his unit. He stated that his company was credited with hundreds of kills, yet no one in his platoon saw a Viet Cong (VC) body and on one occasion, some GIs were killed in a mine accident and his unit retaliated killing dozens of civilians, claiming that their captain told them everything was free game.

Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 0th Infantry, led by Captain Ernest L. “Mad Dog” Medina, led the advance party to Vietnam in December 167 after readying themselves at the Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Most of the men in Charlie Company were eighteen to twenty-two years old and ten percent of these men had failed the Army’s basic intelligence test to qualify for the service, but were accepted under the new program, Project 100,000, which gave them remedial education. Medina loved his men and treated them like they were his own children. The soldiers respected him back, but nobody in the unit admired Medina as much as William L. “Rusty” Calley, Jr., a twenty-four-year-old second lieutenant from Miami who was serving as platoon leader. Calley and Medina had many differences, but one thing in common they both wanted to make the military a career.

After many weeks of being in Vietnam and not seeing any combat, Charlie Company began to beat its prisoners, and it began to be less discriminating about who was or was not a VC, “everything that walked and didn’t wear any uniform was a VC,” according to Medina. Medina’s feelings were contracted by most of the GIs, because when trying to get information from civilians, the civilians would refuse while allowing VC snipers to shoot down American soldiers. From then on out, GIs would beat the Vietnamese until information was given, or until they were dead. Excuses were constantly being made as to why civilians were being killed whenever they were not VC. When a soldier would shoot and kill a civilian he thought was a VC, he was ordered to drop a bomb on the body to dispose of the ruins.

A few days before their mission at My Lai 4, Medina and another colonel flew from their base, LZ Dotti, to get a peek at My Lai 4. Barker told Medina that elements of the 48th Viet Cong Battalion, on of the enemy’s best units, with a strength of 50 to 80 men, was in My Lai 4 and that reports predicted the hamlet’s women and children would be out of the area by 7 A.M., heading for weekly markets in Quang Ngai City. The mission assigned to Charlie Company destroy the 48th Battalion as well as My Lai 4. Though Medina and Calley claimed the VC would outnumber them at least two-to-one, they had much confidence in their men and believed that they would return with no more than a few casualties. Medina’s order kill everything in the village and the enemy…anyone who is running from us (Hersh -5).

On March 16, 168, personnel of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 0th Infantry, an element of the 11th Light Infantry Brigade of the rd Americal Division ever, committed the worst atrocity. On that morning, as part of the larger search and destroy operation, Lt Calley led his troops into the village of My Lai 4. The troops went in firing, but after a few minutes realized that there was no fire coming back at them. By the time that Charlie Company had arrived in My Lai and attempted to set up a perimeter, the Viet Cong who were in the area had slipped away with local supporters. As local civilians began to try to flee, GIs shot them down, one by own, whatever ran away. Soldiers gathered all of the Vietnamese out of their homes and began killing them, even when they yelled “No VC!” (Dunnigan ).

Though most all of the GIs were enjoying the killing, few did not want to, but kept it to themselves, one pilot stood against the group. Chief Warrant Officer Hugh C. Thompson flew over a fleeing VC while his other crewman attempted to shoot him down. When he missed, Thompson turned around and, while flying back to My Lai 4, he noticed wounded and dead Vietnamese civilians all over the hamlet, with no sign of the enemy. Thinking that he could help, Thompson began flying over wounded civilians and marking their locations with smoke so that the GIs could go to them and treat them. As Thompson marked the injured, the GIs approached them, but did not help them, instead they finished off the job of what had been left, and they shot the victims to death. When Thompson tried to radio brigade headquarters, but no action was taken, as Medina and Calley reported kills of “VC.” Approximately two and a half hours after arriving at My Lai 4, an old man begged for Calley not to kill him, and this must have set him off, because Calley ordered all civilians, that were still alive, to be brought to a ditch and ordered to lay in it. Calley then ordered all GIs to shoot and kill the remaining that survived, close to 00 (Summers, Jr. 140). When GIs refused, Calley did the job himself, and even went as far as chasing after a young boy, who had survived the shootings while being underneath his mother, catching him, throwing him back into the pile, then shooting him until death. Thompson, who watched the slaughter overhead, saw a group of nine people in a rice field and quickly flew over to save them. He landed and shielded the civilians from any attempted gunfire, while they loaded into his helicopter. Thompson then flew the civilians to safety (Lawson 104-106).

The day after the massacre at My Lai 4, Medina heard of a report made by a helicopter pilot and that there would be a possible investigation. Medina told his men that they had nothing to worry about and that he would back them up in case of trouble, claiming that there was a gunfight and that they did a lot of shooting. The soldiers heard no more of My Lai 4 for quite some time after that.

A little over a year after the occurrence, Ronald Ridenhour, a former door-gunner in a helicopter, who had heard about the massacre from various members of Charlie Company, decided to bring about the situation at My Lai 4 once again, mailing letters, telling of everything that he had heard and the names of the people who had given him information, to President Nixon, various military authorities, and to senators and congressmen, who, Ridenhour, thought might be able to exert some pressure on the army to take action in investigating this event. Most never replied, but Congressman Morris Udall, telephoned Ridenhour to say that he was going to do everything in his power to see that the matter was investigated. The army began a full-scale investigation on April , 16, and in September justice was made (Sevy 15-16).

As a result of the investigations, the commander of the Americal Division at the time, Major General Samuel H. Koster, was reduced in rank to brigadier general and censured for failing to investigate the atrocity when it happened. Medina and Calley were brought to trial, along with two-dozen other officers. Calley was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of unarmed civilians but the others were acquitted. Although the Court of Military Appeals upheld Calley’s sentence, the Secretary of Army reduced it to ten years. On November , 174, Calley was paroled by President Nixon and set free (Summers, Jr. 140).

To some, these acts were considered commonplace and even condoned and encouraged by the Army itself, but the incident at My Lai was an aberration and not the norm.

Works Cited

Dunnigan, James F., and Albert A. Nofi. Dirty Little Secrets of the Vietnam War. New York St. Martin’s Press, 1.

Hersh, Seymour M. My Lai 4 A Report on the Massacre and Its Aftermath. New York Random House, 170.

Lawson, Don. The United States in the Vietnam War. New York Thomas Y. Crowell, 181.

Sevy, Grace. The American Experience in Vietnam. Norman and London University of Oklahoma Press, 18.

Summers, Jr., Harry G.. Historical Atlas of the Vietnam War. New York Houghton Mifflin Company, 15.

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Due to the circumstances of the time her father found himself unable to maintain his family. This meant poverty and privation for them and a constant moving from place to place in search of a livelihood. They relied on relatives to get by. Both parents educated their children in their own home.

Mary started work at the age of fourteen as a clerk in Melbourne and later a teacher in Portland. By the time she was fifteen Mary had decided she was going to be a nun, wanting to devote her life to the poor.

To provide for her needy family Mary took up a job as governess in 1860 at her Aunty and Uncle’s place at Penola in South Australia. She lookrf after their children and taught them and included the other farm children on the Cameron estate as well. This brought her into contact with Father Julian Edmund Tenison Woods and they became very close friends. Together they opened Australia’s first free Catholic school.

Mary stayed for two years with the Camerons of Penola before accepting a job teaching the Cameron children at Portland, Victoria. Later she taught at the Portland school and then opened her own boarding school, Bayview House. While teaching at Portland, Father Woods invited Mary and her sisters Anne and Lexie to come to Penola and open a Catholic school there. In 1866 a school was opened in a stable and after renovations by their brother, the MacKillops started teaching more than fifty children.

She had always felt a religious calling but couldn’t find an order that suited her, so she and Father Woods started their own, ‘The Sisters of Joseph’.

In 1867 Mary became the first Sister, and Mother Superior, of the newly formed Order of the Sisters of St Joseph and moved to the new convent in Grote Street Adelaide. This was the first religious Order to be founded by an Australian.

Mary took a vow of poverty, which meant Mary and her followers had to beg for money. Catholic church leaders didn’t like begging, but Mary refused to change her ways.

In an attempt to provide education to all the poor, Mary moved to Adelaide and opened yet another school at Yankililla in October 1867. By the end of 186 more than 70 Sisters were educating children at 1 schools in Adelaide and the country.

In December 186 Mary travelled to Brisbane to establish the Order in Queensland. Two years later she was in Port Augusta for the same purpose. In 1871 they also established a school in Burra. During this eventful year, Mary was wrongly excommunicated by Bishop Sheil, who was against most of the things she had fought for, on the grounds that she had incited the Sisters to disobedience and defiance. This was devastating to Mary, although she kept her faith and the next year the Bishop changed his mind and Mary was accepted back. Mary was such an amazing woman that she never blamed the church leaders for their actions.

After the acquisition of the Mother House at Kensington Mary made preparations to leave for Rome to have the Rules of the Sisters of St. Joseph officially approved.

When she returned in January 1875 she brought approval from Rome for her Sisters and the work they did, materials for her school, books for the convent library, several priests and most of all fifteen new Josephites from Ireland. Regardless of her success, she still had to contend with the opposition of priests and several bishops. This did not change after her unanimous election as Mother General of the Josephites. Life was still hard and held many disappointments for her.

Notwishstanding all the trouble the Order did expand. By 1877 it operated more than forty schools in and around Adelaide, with many others in Queensland and New South Wales.

In 188 the Order was successfully established in New Zealand where Mary stayed for years.

The Bishops eventually came to respect Mary’s work for Australia’s poor. She visited the Pope who was impressed by her intelligence and determination.

During the later years of her life she had many problems with her health. She suffered from rheumatism and after a stroke in New Zealand in 10, became paralysed on her right side. For seven years she had to rely on a wheelchair to move around but her speech and mind were as good as ever. Even after suffering the stroke the Sisters had enough confidence in her to re-elect her in 105.

Mother Mary MacKillop died on 8 August 10.

Josephites have been campaigning for many years for Mary to become a Saint saying her good deeds and hard work for Australia’s poor are proof of her devotion to God, but the Catholic Church only makes people Saints if there is evidence they helped in miracles. In Mary’s case, her spirit is believed to have saved a woman who was dying of cancer.

The Pope visited Australia in 15 for the formal beatification of Mary being the first step towards her Canonisation. Now her role in a second miracle must be proved for her to become Australia’s first Saint.

Mary MacKillop was much like the poor widow who gave two very small copper coins to the temple treasury (Mark 141-44). This lady gave her money worth only a fraction of a penny away leaving her with nothing and had no hesitation in doing so. Jesus stated ‘Everyone gave out of their wealth but she out of her poverty’. This is what Mary MacKillop was all about. She gave out of her poverty and devoted her life to help anyone less fortunate than herself.

Mary MacKillop was an amazing individual. She will always be remembered and her spirit will always live on.

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Mornings were always delightful for children back then. Running around a playground or maybe a farm field is one of their morning hobbies. For children, summer is usually about beaches and sand castles. Perhaps true to some kids except for two. They don’t usually go to beaches during summer but instead, they prefer running around a nearby farm field, especially during the morning, wherein the bright sunlight clearly reflects the dews on leaves and grass. They have known each other since they were three, and ever since they have become the best of friends. Though they seem to have little knowledge of the word “friendship” and its true and deep meaning, they can perfectly know how to show it, especially to each other.

One morning, a girl was walking towards the playground, carrying a medium sized bag on her right arm. Unfortunately, she came face to face with a couple of bullies on her way there.

“Hey you, ugly face! Give us your money, if you don’t want us to hurt you!” a boy, about ten years of age, yelled at little Allie, who was terrified of what might happen.

“But…I don’t have any money…” said young Allie with a sweet yet shaky voice.

“Don’t lie to us!” a boy with greater build than the first, pushed Allie strong enough to make her stumble down to her feet. “Give me that!” the boy tried to grab Allie’s bag away from her, but she did not allow him to.

“That’s mine! You can’t have it!”

“Back off you little twerp!” the boy pulled the bag with great force and successfully, he was able to obtain the bag from the little girls tight clutch.

“Give that back!” the little girl pleaded, her body lying helpless on the ground. The two older boys took their time to laugh at the little girl distastefully.

“Hey! Get away from her!” another boy, who came running toward them, yelled as he threw a number of stones at the two bullies.

“Let’s get out of here!” the two boys ran as fast as they could, with the other boy still throwing stones at them.

“My bag…. they got my bag, Michael…” said Allie with a sad tone on her voice as she tried to pull herself up. Michael walked rapidly towards his upset friend.

“What’s in the bag anyway?” asked Michael as the both of them started walking towards the playground entrance.

“Only a piece of paper.”

“A piece of paper? I thought it was something else important!” said Michael scratching his head impatiently.

“No, Michael! You don’t understand! That’s where I wrote my dreams! The one we’re supposed to bury in front of that tree!” said Allie with now a panicky voice as she pointed at an apple tree planted inside the playground. They fell silent for a while. Soon, Michael opened his backpack and from it, he pulled out a piece of colored paper and crayons.

“Well…I brought some paper and crayons. You can write it down again. Or maybe we can write it together!” said Michael proudly, with the usual enthusiasm of a child. “We promised to tell each other our dreams right?”

“Thanks, Michael” said Allie as Michael handed the paper and the box of crayons to her. “How about your dreams?”

“I wrote it down already. I also brought a box so that we can place our dreams in it” said Michael as he held hands with Allie while walking toward the big apple tree.

“What’s it called then?” asked Allie with curiosity on her voice.

“I don’t know. A dream box I guess…”

That day was the most special day of Michael and Allie’s childhood. It was the day they promised each other that they would always be best of friends no matter what happens.

It was the day that, even at a young age, they told each other about their dreams. Dreams that a little child has for the future, and they swore, in their little own way, that they would always share it with each other until the end of time.


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We can choose the proper vocabulary from different sources, but sometimes the problem may be that the teachers have to follow certain syllabus given by the school and use

Ø textbooks which are avalilable for the class or school just because of their price. From this arises that often these “available” textbooks do not contain valuable materials for teaching vocabulary

Ø In such cases we have to look for supplementary materials , which may include different texts, narratives, exercises, drills, role plays, songs, poems,videos,audio recordings or materials selected from the Internet.

Ø Another source are the students themselves. We present or use new vocabulary by answering students questions or by correcting their errors, this all without any previous preparation or purpose.

Ø Next source for vocabulary are specific vocabulary activities, which are selected by the teacher for particular group of students.

Next very important point in the question of selection proper and useful lexical items are the criteria for selection. In the course books and other materials we are overwhelmed with a great number of new vocabulary coming from the various texts, either written or spoken texts, and exercises. The factors influencing our choice are following ones

o Frequency it includes words which are used very often. But we cannot take for granted that all words which are often used are good to present to the pupils. We cannot stick just to frequency itself but also consider other factors.

o Range words useful for hte learner are those which frequent and on the other hand have a wide range. It means, lexical items which occur in a variety of texts.

o Coverage whether one word covers more than just one item, because it is not neccessary at the beginning to teach all expressions for one word. For example the word sweater covers the meaning for jumper and pullover.

o Learnability different words may be easy or difficult for students to learn for many reasons. There may be difficult in spelling, phonology, or may be so close in their meaning that the students mistake one for the second one, other problem are “false friends”, or the word existing in English do not exist in the students mother tongue at all.

o Students’ specifics it covers the age of students, their level, interest and also need.

o Learners’ needs it is not easy for the teacher to predict which words are really suitable for his/her students. Also students can have different opinion to what they find important and useful for their future life. There is certain importance of motivation, because when the students have different interests and are bored in the classroom, it is difficult to make them learn something. Therefore we have to take in consideration the course book, what the teacher thinks is important and fulfils learners’ needs, plus the learners’ own sense of their needs.

o Cultural factors words and texts presented in the classroom naturally have to reflect cultural background of certain coutry and native speakers. Some of these facts cannot be shared by the students or are not important even for majority of British English speakers.

o Course duration and the educational language learning background of students

It is not easy to find useful vocabulary according to all these points and it also depends on the teacher’s practice. We should not introduce a lot of new words at the beginning. There should be some reasonable input. It is good to create different exercises, texts or games, and illustrative situations which contain about ten new words chosen by the teacher, because it makes it easier to remember. This is much more effective than simple memorizing, which causes early forgetting. Also we can use some central theme (topic) around which we form the new lexical items. There are many of them, just like family, animals, Christmas, sports and games, food...... New vocabulary has to be repeated several times to become fixed in pupils’ memory, and then we can start to add new words to it.

To enlarge students vocabulary they already know well and are certain of in which situations to use it we can prepare exercises based on matching synonyms and opposites, contrasts, paraphrases, words similar to each other or words which form pairs, idioms and others.

When students get used to these techniques there are other activities from which we can gain unknown words. We can use pictures as a guide to meaning, find the vocabulary in different texts, when students have to concentrate on key words. The teacher should also try to make the learners familiar with work with dictionaries, which gives us various themes for exercises or homeworks.

To sum up, before the teacher brings a new vocabulary into the class, he/she has to select the aim of the lesson, consider the ennvironment and atmosphere of the class, plus the above mentioned factors and try to motivate them somehow. Students should not take learning new words as some routine which just has to be presented, but it should be in the form of interesting exercises or games.


Michael McCarthy Vocabulary, Oxford University Press, 10

Ronald Carter and Michael McCarthy Vocabulary and language teaching, Longman, 11

Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman Working with Words, Cambridge University Press, 1


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As a woman who values security and social acceptance very highly, and who is still sexually attracted to her husband, ‘hanging back with the brutes’ though a hard reality and choice, was the only way for Stella to raise her child properly in a patriarchal society.

Please note that this sample paper on “Don’t hang back with the brutes.” Is this what Stella has done at the end of the play. (A streetcar named desire, Tenneessee Williams) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on “Don’t hang back with the brutes.” Is this what Stella has done at the end of the play. (A streetcar named desire, Tenneessee Williams), we are here to assist you. Your College papers on Enter Without So <uch As Knocking

realistic like every other godless

money-hungry back-stabbing miserable

so-and-so, and then it was goodbye stars

and the soft cry in the corner when no-one

was looking.......

This helps us understand consumerism. People giving p their ideals to do what is expected from others to create a good image of themselves.

In the poem Dawe has a negative attitude towards consumerism. He sees it as something which influences people in a bad way. The importance of self image has changes the innocence of a boys mind to someone who only thinks of himself.

This seen in the poem in the use of sales phrases to show what the boys world is like. People ommunicate through signs, horns and swearing. All of which are the product od consumerism.

For example

... WALK. DONT WALK. TURN/LEFT. NO PARKING.... ...MY GOD (beep)/the congestion here just gets (beep)/worse everyday, now what the (beep) does/that idiot think his doing (beep beep and BEEP)

This helps us understand consumerism and how it influences peoples lives, so that they only care about their self image.

Please note that this sample paper on Enter Without So <uch As Knocking is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Enter Without So <uch As Knocking, we are here to assist you. Your College papers on Conflict Management

Five Conflict Handling Modes

1. Avoiding - When team members avoid conflict, they often withdraw and detach themselves from the issue. When avoiding conflict, team members are not willing to assert their own wants nor are they willing to work with other members of the team to move toward reaching others’ wants.

. Accommodating - When team members accommodate others to avoid conflict, they will do whatever they can to help the other person get what they want, often to their own detriment. They give in to demands, even unreasonable ones, to avoid disagreement.

. Competing - When team members compete to be right, their primary interest is in resolving the conflict their way. They have no interest in helping others get what they want. They become very defensive of their position and have difficulty understanding the reasons others dont see things their way. Team members may insist that everyone else drop what theyre doing so their project can be completed in their time frame. Those who compete often take advantage of those who accommodate others.

4. Compromising - When team members compromise to resolve a conflict, they are willing to give and take with the others. They want both parties to be either satisfied or dissatisfied with the outcome. Compromising is frequently used because it is expedient and both parties make concessions.

5. Collaborating - When team members collaborate, they are interested in seeing that everyones wants are met fully. These team members tend to consider themselves a team. They work creatively and are solution-oriented. The outcome of the conflict often leads to one that neither party held prior to the collaboration.

The reasons we use different styles vary. We often avoid when we dont want to get involved or we decide its not worth the effort to pursue. Its important to pick your battles since they cant all be fought and won. We compete when we strongly believe in our ideas. We accommodate when we want others to like us or we like things to run smoothly or we dont feel like we have the right to remind others of their responsibilities. We often compromise when we are in a hurry. We use collaboration when we want everyone involved to feel ownership for the outcome.

Negotiating Interpersonal Conflicts

Some groups become significantly stuck on interpersonal conflicts. These conflicts may be rooted in situations that preceded the group effort (i.e., they may have a history), or they may be newly developed, occurring among members who are working together for the first time. In either case, many of these conflicts are best handled away from regular group meetings. The facilitators role expands to include those of mediator and negotiator so that the parties involved can directly confront the problems at hand.

One of the most useful interventions in these situations is role negotiation, a technique developed by Roger Harrison (17a, 17b). Role negotiation is based on two key assumptions

1. That most people prefer a fair, negotiated settlement over a state of unresolved conflict

. That the conflicts stand the best chance of successful resolution if the facilitator focuses on negotiating common-sensensical behavior agreements rather than probes for the complex interpersonal psychological dynamics underlying the conflicts

Harrison emphasizes that his technique makes one basic assumption Most people prefer a fair negotiated settlement to a state of unsuccessful conflict (18, pp. 158-164). The people involved in the conflict must be willing to invest some time and make some concessions in order to achieve a solution. It may also be necessary for the conflicting parties to be directed or encouraged to participate in the intervention by their

Conflict Resolution

The following outlines steps to be taken when conflict arises within a team, as well as the reason to perform the step and the outcome that generally occurs.

Step Reason Outcome

1. Acknowledge that there is conflict and describe how the conflict is affecting the team. Acknowledges reality; untreated conflicts will destroy team effectiveness. Statement of the defined conflict

. Get commitment from individuals and/or team to resolve conflict.· If a conflict management strategy was agreed on earlier, remind participants Establishes expectation of success Spoken agreement to resolve problem

. Have each party state its point-of-view.· All parties must be present· Basic rules of respect apply Acknowledges everyone, makes viewpoints open Written or verbal statement from each party

4. Have each party restate the other’s point-of-view Helps each party understand the other, ensures clearer communication Accurate restatement is confirmed by each party

5. Have each party suggest a solution based on facts, mutual needs, and team goals Ensures that all parties are heard and that multiple solutions are considered List of possible solutions

6. Examine solutions.If parties agree to a solution· Confirm consensusIf parties don’t agree to a solution· Analyze conflict· Use an agreed-upon problem-solving approach and/or facilitation All parties must openly agree to one solution. Acknowledges everyone, validates agreement Consensus a solution everyone can live with

7. Evaluate the conflict. Everyone needs to learn from the experience and use that knowledge in the future. Written or verbal conflict analysis

We live in a predominantly conflict-averse culture. Conflict is bad. Yet, where people are working together to accomplish tasks within very constrained time limits, personal differences create fertile ground for conflict. Ignoring conflict does not make it go away; conflict driven underground often surfaces as sabotage or explodes unexpectedly. Conflict, like diversity, can be reframed as a resource for those teams that understand how to explore it with the intention of learning from it.

Even in groups experienced in the art of dialogue, there will be times when conflict erupts and threatens the ability to move forward. Usually, this happens when people are highly invested in an issue and emotions are running high. For example, a team is in disagreement over how to invest the training and development moneys available to them for the year. Highly charged issues tend to fragment and polarize groups. Polarization makes it difficulty to see the larger picture that encompasses and can make sense of all the divergent positions. Judgment and advocacy predominate.

The leader must carefully select the method of managing conflict appropriate for his/her organization so that an atmosphere conducive to constructive results is developed.


Harrison, Roger. (17a). Role negotiation A tough-minded approach to team development. In W. Warner Burke Harvey A. Horstein (Eds.), The social technology of organization development (pp. 84-6). San Diego, CA University Associates.

Harrison, Roger. (17b, spring). When power conflicts trigger team spirit. European Business, 57-65. [Or see Harrison, 18.] r

Harrison, Roger. (18). When power conflicts trigger team spirit. In Wendell L. French, Cecil H. Bell, Jr., Robert A. Zawacki (Eds.), Organization development Theory, practice, research. Piano, TX Business Publications Inc. [Or see Harrison, 17b.]

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

Please note that this sample paper on Conflict Management is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Conflict Management, we are here to assist you. Your College papers on “The Law Governing the Use of Force in Texas.When Can It Be Used?When Can It Not Be Used?”

. if the actor consented to the exact force used or attempted use of unlawful force.

. if the actor provoked the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful force.

4. to resist an arrest or search that the actor knows is being made by a peace officer, or by a person acting in a peace officer’s presence and his direction, even though the arrest or search is unlawful (Penal Code .1).

There are two exceptions to the last item listed above. The use of force is justified if the peace officer uses or tries to use force greater than that necessary to make an arrest or a search. It is also justified when the actor believes the force is necessary to protect himself against the peace officer’s use of force greater than necessary (Penal Code .1).

A person may also use force to protect a third person if the actor believes the force is necessary to protect the welfare of the third person (Penal Code .).

Force can also be justifiably used in the protection of one’s own property. A person who legally owns land or tangible, movable property is allowed to use force to prevent or terminate another person’s trespass on the land or unlawful interference with the property. If I am at home having dinner with my family, and a person drives into my driveway and enters my house I have the right to use any amount of force I feel is necessary to get that person out of my property. Furthermore, when a person’s land or property is dispossessed by another, the owner has the right to use force if it is necessary to reenter the land or recover the property. But, the actor must reasonably believe that the other person had no claim to the property or land, and be aware that the other person dispossessed him by using force, threat, or fraud (Penal Code .41).

A person is also justified in the use of force to prevent arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime, or to stop someone fleeing immediately after committing the activities already mentioned. The person using force must be able to justify that the land or property could not be protected or recovered by any other means (Penal Code .4).

A person can also use deadly force to protect the land or tangible, movable property of a third person. The person using force must believe that the third person has asked him to protect the land or property. This is justified is the third person is his spouse, parent, or child, lives with him or is under his care (Penal Code .4).

The use of force is justified during an arrest or a search by a peace officer or person acting in a peace officer’s presence and at his direction. Force is allowed in making an arrest or a search, or to prevent or assist in preventing escape after arrest, if

1. the actor reasonably believes the arrest or search is lawful or, if the arrest or search is made under a warrant, he reasonably believes the warrant is valid; and

. before using force, the actor manifests his purpose to arrest or search and identifies himself as a peace officer or as one acting at a peace officer’s direction, unless he reasonably believes his purpose and identity are already known by or cannot reasonably be made known to the person to be arrested.

. the actor reasonably believes the conduct for which arrest is authorized included the use or attempted use of force, or

4. the actor reasonably believes there is a substantial risk that the person to be arrested will cause death or serious bodily injury to the actor or another if the arrest is delayed (Penal Code .51).

A person is justified in using force against a child under the age of 18 if that person is the child’s parent, stepparent, or is acting in loco parentis. This includes a grandparent, guardian, or any other person with legal jurisdiction over the child and anyone who had implied or expressed consent of the parent or parents. Force against a child can also be used when it is necessary to discipline the child (Penal Code .61).

The use of force by an educator against a student is justified by Section .6 of the Texas Penal Code. It reads

“The use of force, but not deadly force, against a person is justified

1. if the actor is entrusted with the care, supervision, or administration of the person for a special purpose; and

. when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is necessary to further the special purpose or to maintain discipline in a group” (Penal Code .6).

In the case of a mentally incompetent person, force is allowed “if the actor is the incompetent’s guardian or someone similarly responsible for the general care and supervision of the incompetent”. The force must also be applied to protect the incompetent person’s welfare. If the incompetent person is in an institution for his care and custody, force may be utilized to preserve discipline in the institution (Penal Code .6).

In correctional facilities, force may be used to maintain security. “An officer or employee of a correctional facility is justified in using force against a person in custody when and to the degree the officer or employee reasonably believes the force is necessary to maintain the security of the correctional facility, the safety or security of other persons in custody or employed by the correctional facility, or his own safety or security” (Penal Code .5). Guards employed by a correctional facility and peace officers may use force, including deadly force, if it is immediately necessary to prevent the escape of a person from the correctional facility (Penal Code .5).

A person has a right to use force against another person to protect the life and the health of that person. This applies to instances when a person is committing suicide or is “inflicting serious bodily injury to himself”. During an emergency, a person is also allowed to use force to protect another’s life (Penal Code .4).

A peace officer may also use force to prevent a person from injuring himself, another person, or the property of another person. The peace officer may use only as much force as is necessary to prevent the offense, but may not use more. Furthermore, the peace officer may request the assistance of the citizens of his county in the use of force (Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 6.06).

Another instance in which force may not be used is for the purpose of marriage. A marriage is considered void and subject to annulment if one of the parties uses force to coerce the other party into marriage (Family Code Sec. .44).

Finally, the law states that force may not be used to deprive any person of a legal right or disturb any person in the enjoyment of a legal right (Title . Offenses).

This research paper presents a small portion of the laws regarding the use of force in Texas. The use of force is a right every citizen should use to protect the welfare of himself, his family, and everyone else. However, like any other privilege, the right to use force can be abused. These laws outline how and when force may be used in a legal and moral manner.

Please note that this sample paper on “The Law Governing the Use of Force in Texas.When Can It Be Used?When Can It Not Be Used?” is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on “The Law Governing the Use of Force in Texas.When Can It Be Used?When Can It Not Be Used?”, we are here to assist you. Your Pay for essay on Carer's</br><br/>

There a wide range of services available for Carers’ these include

Carer Support Groups which allow people of similar circumstances to get together and share experiences, feelings, ideas, concerns, information and problems allowing carers to relax and have an opportunity to take a break, socialise, learn from other carers and rejuvenate.

Community Health Centres that offer a variety of services that may include child health, counselling, speech therapy, physiotherapy, community nursing and mental health.

Food Services are available in circumstances where individuals have difficulty preparing meals to home, food services can deliver nutritious meals to their homes or provide meals at a centre.

Home Help services assist carers’ with practical tasks at home eg cleaning, shopping.

Home Maintenance and Modification where assistance can be provided for essential home repairs and modification. This may include installing safety ramps for disabled individuals etc.

Home Nursing A trained nurse can visit individuals in their homes to improve or maintain their health. They may provide assistance with personal hygiene, medication, and injections. Care can be provided on a regular or occasional basis.

Palliative Care is for people, with a terminal illness to relieve pain, reduce stress and aim to optimise personal dignity, independence and choices around dying.

Respite is a form of support for carers enabling them to attend to everyday activities and to have a break from their caring role. Respite can be given informally by friends and family or by formal respite services.

Transport services can assist people who are unable to use or have no access to regular transport. Transport could be for attending appointments, shopping and social activities.

Lastly, Volunteer Programs where volunteers carry out home visits, help with food shopping and provide transport to services that help carer’s eg medical appointments.

In the local area there are a variety of services available to offer support, information, programs to carers to assist them in their role.

Manning Home Modification and Maintenance aims to assist people to remain in their own home. It is a service aimed at people with disabilities, the frail aged and their carers. The assistance can be provided for essential home repairs and modifications such as installing safety ramps so that the home environment is safer and reducing risk of accidents. The labour cost of this service is government subsidised, though the individual we be asked to pay for the cost materials and any sub-contract labour necessary, this barrier is overcome by assistance being available if difficulties arise in meeting the cost.

Manning Neighbour Aid funded by the Department of Ageing Disability and Homecare provides support to frail older people, people with disabilities and their carers. The role of the group is to provide support and access to facilities and activities. Location and cost are two barriers present in accessing this service but they can be overcome as individual transport is available and no one will be denied the service due to their socio-economic status.

One of the most vital services available for carers in the Manning is the Carer Support Group funded by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care. This allows Carers’ the opportunity to take a break and receive emotional support and information from other Carers’ who understand. Talking to other in a simular situation helps carers recognise there needs are just as valid as the individual they are caring for. Location is the only barrier present in accessing this service but home visits can be arranged if need be.

Local family services available in relation to carers support groups are the Young Mum’s Group, Fathers in Families and Parenting Educator Children with Challenging Behaviours. These services are funded by the Department of Community Services and the Families first Initiative and provide support, information and a social opportunity for carers. They provide access to information and resources whilst offering practical and emotional support. Though carers’ location and time can be a barrier to accessing these resources they can be overcome as the service offers home visits and hours are flexible and personalised.

Counselling is available to carers’ through private, government and welfare agencies. An example of a counselling service in the local area is Lifeline Midcoast. Funded by the Uniting Church, lifeline stores and donations Lifeline is a free call line to anybody in need of support. The only barrier for carers accessing the service is language barrier which can be overcome by the use of an interpreter.

Respite is a service available to give carers a break from the responsibility of looking after an individual. The service is a way of relieving stress for carers by making time for themselves for a short period of time a few hours, days or weeks. Respite is when an individual other than the primary carer temporarily takes on the caring responsibilities allowing the primary carer to take a break and concentrate on their own wellbeing, health, needs and wants. Thus allowing the carer to maintain their level of care. In the local region Manning Respite Options and Mid and Far North Coast Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre is available. They both target primary, informal carers offering a service that provides carers’ a chance to take a break from their caring responsibilities and collect information and support. The National Respite For Carers Program a Government Initiative, funds Manning Respite Options and the Commonwealth Government funds the Carers Respite centre, which is a free service, funded by the Commonwealth Government. The barriers to accessing these services is the availability of the service, the cost and language all these barriers can be overcome through persistency in asking for service, pre booking, government subsidising and interpreters. There are a variety of types of respite available these include In home, day care, residential or Centre Based respite, emergency, one off respite, holidays/time away, host family respite, vacation care and supporters for carers.

Carers’ Australia funded by the Commonwealth government is the national voice of carers. It works to promote the recognition of the important role of carers in our community, and to empower carers’ so that they become better informed and resourced. Through its member organisation Carers’ NSW advice can be sought by government agencies, service providers, community groups and carers. The national commonwealth carer resource Centre aimed at carers gives the support and information on how they can better manage the care needs of the person they are caring for, as well as information about other government programs that can help them. However there are barriers to accessing these resources the availability of services, language and location are the main points. These can be overcome in persistency in asking for services, interpreters and the free call line respectively.

The carers’ Line is a free call support service that offers a counselling and informative service for primary carers. The Carers’ Line is funded by the NSW Department of Health. The barriers to accessing this service are limited as it is a free call service, though some could experience a language barrier, which can be overcome by the use of an Interpreter.

Carers are often amongst the most disadvantaged individuals in society with Carers Australia stating that ‘over half of all full time carers recently reported incomes of around $00 a week.’ As 5% of primary carers are not employed in the paid workforce financial assistance is required to support them. This is offered through Carers Payment and Allowance.

Resource management affects the wellbeing of the carer and individual whom is being cared for. It is important for carers’ to access the wide variety of support groups available for support, information and resources so that their own wellbeing is sustained and so they can continue the standard of care they are providing.

Please note that this sample paper on Carer's is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Carer's, we are here to assist you. Your College papers on ¡°A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer¡±

Please note that this sample paper on ¡°A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer¡± is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ¡°A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer¡±, we are here to assist you. Your Essay service for your Business Ethics in the Workplace paper

The Worldwide Rules of Conduct are a term and condition of our employment. Employees agree by signing off on these rules to report any violations they have been subject to. Matters involving fraudulent acts whether it is by third parties against the firm or dishonesty by an employee, harassment, and intimidation should be immediately reported.

The Worldwide Rules of Conduct were written to communicate to each and every employee the standards of ethics and integrity that are expected of them while they are under the employment of JPMorgan Chase. In many cases unethical decisions are not done intentionally, but out of ignorance. It was felt that if standards of excellence, ethics, and behavior were communicated well throughout the organization it would be a big win in the long-term success of the company. When employees make decisions to act unethically, they affect each and every stakeholder within the organization. A clearly explained code of ethics plays a pivotal role in employee empowerment by clearing up any questions on their own. Employees are empowered to make many choices every day; should the choice prove unethical the company’s profits and reputation will suffer. Employees must be trusted to do the right thing, especially when no one is paying attention.

The overall purpose of the Worldwide Rules of Conduct has been achieved in that the message of what is expected in regard to business ethics and responsibilities has been successfully communicated. Well-communicated guidelines help set the standards for employees. The documentation is now in place, and each employee has taken ownership of the rules by giving their signature. The effectiveness of the rules depends primarily on whether they receive support by management, and how employees who break the rules are treated. This means that managers must lead by example. They must be honest themselves and expect honesty from their employees by establishing clear-cut guidelines and rewards. Unfortunately for some it will only be worth the paper it was written on. You can put out there what the expectation is but it is up to the individual to make the right decision. This is why it is so important that the people that are not following the rules are reported. It is vital to the success of the company.

Ethics play such a large role in whether a business is a success or failure. Without strict ethical policies in place it is difficult for a corporation to maintain the trust and loyalty of its customers. Employees want clear ethical standards to help guide them through unclear situations. No one wants to work for a company that does not stand by the beliefs of high ethics and integrity. Having high ethical standards increases pride and loyalty to the company. Look at what the lack of ethics cost Enron and the amount of devastation that followed.

There are not many ways to improve on the fifty-one-page document of the Worldwide Rules of Conduct. It speaks to most every ethical situation. There will always be situations that arise that are up to some self-interpretation. The key here is communication. What good will these rules do sitting around collecting dust? It is important that the rules are talked about and supported. It is equally as important that as an employee and a person, that we have a firm grasp on what is morally right and wrong.


Ruggiero, V. (001). Beyond Feelings A Guide to Critical Thinking. Mountain View

Mayfield Publishing.

Please note that this sample paper on Business Ethics in the Workplace is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Business Ethics in the Workplace, we are here to assist you. Your Cheap research paper on In the Skin of a Lion <br/>

In “In the Skin of a Lion” the responder values the heroes. The novel challenges the people who appear to be heroes in society the rich and the famous, people such as Commissioner Harris and Ambrose Small by exposing their malice and disregard for human life. From a postcolonial reading Harris and Small represent the imperial power and suppression by the upper class. Through revealing the corruptness and malice of these so-called heroes Ondaatje brings the true heroes into the spotlight the workers. “The character that most obviously embodies the characteristics of a hero is Nicholas Temelcloff”, write Karen Overbye in “Remembering the body constructing the self as hero in “In the Skin of a Lion” further adding “his spectacular saving of the nun, something that is kept secret for years, resembles the action of a superhero.” A postcolonial reading would also site that both Small and Harris are based upon real people emphasizing the fact that, while records were kept of the upper class, no records were kept of the workers themselves. “Do you know how many of us died in there? There was no record kept”. With no records kept acknowledging the workers contribution this demonstrates that historical records don’t always paint a true picture of history. Ondaatje values true history and presents it through the workers and immigrants stories, which blur the boundaries between fact and fiction making “In the Skin of a Lion metafiction.” This pastiche created through metafiction demonstrates how “In the skin of a lion” can be read as postmodern text. When Temelcoff realizes “how he has been sewn into history he decides he will begin to tell stories” to appropriate his own life. It is through these stories that the reader learns the life of the worker/immigrant and gains a value for the true history of Toronto. The responder values the heroes in “In the skin of a lion”.

Ondaatje values the communication of the characters in “In the Skin of Lion” particularly that of Patrick. When Patrick first arrives in Toronto “he’s a immigrant in the city” due to his lack of communication skills. This alienation of individuals in society show how “In the skin of a Lion” can be viewed as a Post-modern text. Patrick’s lack of communication skills means he ends up working with the immigrants as they communicate through body language and gesture. From a feminist reading it can be seen that Patrick holds up the superior masculine stero-types as an ideal. However despite the strength of these figures it is the women in the story that influence Patrick and enable him to discover himself. From a feminist reading the role of women in “In the skin of a Lion” is too challenge the 10’s view of women. Ondaatje challenges the 10’s expectations of women by placing Clara and Alice well ahead of their time. Both are sexually liberated and unmarried. This raw feminism they display contrasts to the passive wife and nurturing mother which was the ideals of a mother in 10. Clara and Alice transformed Patrick in that they helped bring him to maturity and to an understanding of his body. Critic Karen Overbye states, “Part of Patrick’s understanding of himself comes through his understanding of his body.” Patrick finds himself through his deep love for Alice Gull She has delivered him out of nothing. The reader values the personal growth of Patrick through the text. Through his relationship with Alice and Clara Patrick gains communication, this is shown to the audience through the novel in that its Patrick’s oral tale. Communication is valued by Ondaatje in his text “In the skin of a Lion”.

“In the Skin of a Lion” can be valued for its Literacy Qualities and Aesthetic value. Ondaatje uses poetic language to give the text its aesthetic value. “In the Skin of a Lion is a poem to workers and lovers’ states Maxine Hong Kingston with Graham Swift further adding to this idea by writing “Ondaatje defies the normal distinction between poet and novelist”. The poetic language “His mind skates across old conversations. The past drifts into the air like an oasis and he watches himself within it. The girls eyes that night when he was eighteen were like tunnels into kindness and lust and determination which he loved as much as her white stomach and her ochre face”, is just one of the examples of the poetic language Ondaatje uses which shows how he and the responder can value the text. The motifs of insects, light, dark, threate, water, fire, air and earth that Ondaatje uses throughout the text add to its aesthetic value and create more reasons as to why the text can be valued by the composer. The responder values Ondaatje’s uses of motifs as they enable them to experience the multi-facets of the workers life. The aesthetic and literacy qualities in “In the Skin of a Lion” are valued by the responder and composer.

Through interpreting “In the Skin of a Lion” from Post Colonial, Post Modern and Feminist readings combined with critics articles it can be seen how Ondaatje the composer values, Communication true history and literacy and aesthetic qualities and the responder values the heroes, personal growth of Patrick and literacy and aesthetic qualities.

Please note that this sample paper on In the Skin of a Lion is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on In the Skin of a Lion, we are here to assist you. Your Cheap college papers on the coure of true love never did run smooth&<br/>

Therefore the path of Hermia’s true love was not very smooth because she was not allowed to let it run it’s true course.

As for Helena she loves Demetrius except he won’t except her love because he loves Hermia, however she does not love him in return. “the more I love, the more he hateth me” (Act 1 Scene 1 line 1).

So what Helena felt for Demetrius was true love but what Demetrius felt for Helena was hate. “ I love thee not, therefore pursue me not” (Act Scene 1 line 188).

So therefore the way Demetrius lusted Helena off as a whim proved that it wasn’t true love.

And then there is Titania and oberan even thought they have true love and are married they continue quarrelling over small matters. For example because of their argument about the little India boy resulted with Oberon putting a certain love potion in peoples eyes to make them fall in love the first person they see.

Please note that this sample paper on the coure of true love never did run smooth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the coure of true love never did run smooth, we are here to assist you. Your College papers on Music Piracy on the Internet

Since the Napster judgment, a whole new industry has emerged including companies who create tools for file-swapping, fee based music swapping providers and companies who track copyright infringement.

One such company is Apple Computer who started a new online service for downloading digital music. Apple reported million songs were downloaded in the first 16 days. Compare this to Kazaa, a free file-swapping service, who had 4. million people online at one time.

``This (Apple’s service) is exactly what the music industry has been waiting for, said one person familiar with the negotiations between Apple and the recording industry. ``If people on the Internet are actually interested in buying music, not just stealing it, this is the answer.”

Artists are also getting involved in the fight. Madonna placed phony MP files on the Internet before the release of her newest CD in April 00. The file traders received a question from Madonna What the f--- do you think youre doing? when they attempted to download pirated music before her CD was released.

Macrovision is another company focused on music pirating. Macrovision develops products that protect digital videodiscs from being copied. With Macrovision’s products, file-swappers would receive an error-alert message when trying to play illegally downloaded music.

Recently, the recording industry suffered a major setback with the ruling by Judge Stephen Wilson stating a software provider is not liable for copyright infringements that took place using their software. The ruling shields companies providing decentralized file-swapping software from liability for the actions of people using their products. The judge stated the developers of the software are not significantly different from companies that sell video recorders or copy machines.

The next phase in the fight is going after individuals instead of groups and companies. The recording industry is targeting people who are offering large numbers of files for downloads. A study conducted in 00 by Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center confirmed the industry belief that 10% of file-swappers provide about 0% of the content available.

The RIAA sought and won a subpoena requesting the name of a Verizon Internet subscriber who allegedly downloaded 600 copyrighted music files in one day. Verizon argued the subpoena did not meet the circumstances that the Digial Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) allows for compelling information in order to protect against privacy. On April 4, 00, Verizon’s appeal to quash the subpoena was denied. Verizon was given a 14 day stay for appeal and the case is pending in the appeals process.

The future of online music is unclear, but recent judicial decisions and the development of new technologies indicate the issue of music file-swapping is far from being resolved.

“You have to liken PP (peer-to-peer file-swapping) to tap water. It is always going to be there. It’s free and people are going to use it. But bottled water makers make a lot of money too,” - Wayne Rosso, president of the Grokster peer-to-peer service.

Please note that this sample paper on Music Piracy on the Internet is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Music Piracy on the Internet, we are here to assist you. Your Cheap essay writing services offer help on Tronto and Noddings

The Challenges

Some of Tronto’s challenges presented in this essay included the traditional script about men’s and women’s caring and that feminists must be careful about the direction their analysis of care takes. She argued that feminists cannot assume that any attribute of women is automatically a virtue worthy of feminists embracing it. (Tronto, pp. 10)

Another challenge presented is how caring challenges contemporary notions in moral theory about what is desirable and virtuous. Feminine analyses of caring can be distinguished in that they assume that the traditional script about caring is more or less correct. (Tronto, pp. 10)

Noddings Analysis on Caring

According to Nel Noddings, there is a form of care natural and accessible to all human beings. Good ethical judgment is tied to specific capacities, exercised within relationships that provide the context for moral judgments. As a caring person, one exhibits empathy for the other, attentiveness to her distinctive perspective, and an ability to silence ones own perspective in order to learn that of the other. These characteristics are not only a precondition for wise moral judgment, but constitutive of affective bonds. (Noddings, pp. 8) In this sense she discussed thinking and feeling, guilt and courage, reciprocity, obligations and lessons of right and wrong. (Noddings, pp. 11-1) Morality, she advocated, should be based on a reciprocity between the person doing the caring and the one being cared for. (Noddings, pp. 1)

Noddings also argued that moral and ethical thinking was grounded in caring and that many people who live moral lives do not approach moral problems in the traditional abstract and formal way (based on principles and reason). Noddings argued that while men base their ethical decisions on the application of universal principles, women base their ethical decisions on feelings, needs, impressions, and a sense of personal ideal. She stated that, on a daily basis, people, and women in particular, approach moral problems by placing themselves in concrete situations thereby taking personal responsibility for the choices they make. She went on to argue that women defined themselves in terms of caring and actually work their way through moral problems from the position of one caring. (Noddings, pp. )

Tronto’s Critique of Noddings


According to Tronto, †Noddings asserts that caring is not complete unless recognized by the cared for person”. Tronto feels that this position is wrong and suggests that such recognition depends upon whether the cared-for person has the capacity to respond to caring. She goes on to argue that, †Noddings argument is seductive in its suggestion that we are always recognized for our sacrifices, but it is also dangerous in encouraging us to restrict caring only to those near to us on a continuing basis”. (pg. 107)

Authority Autonomy

According to Tronto, †Noddings analyzes care as the relationship between the one caring and the one cared for and the essential aspect of caring is that it involves a displacement from ones own interests of the one cared-for. Nodding’s approach to authority and autonomy leaves too little autonomy to the self and is unable to discern that relations of care might also be relations of authority”. Tronto feels that caring affects both the one caring and the one cared for (pp. 10).


According to Tronto, †Noddings is very restrictive about the conditions under which caring occurs. Although Noddings argues that it is natural for us to care for our children, it becomes an ethical act. Noddings also suggests that caring must take place in a limited context or it is not properly understood as caring”. Tronto feels that Noddings description of caring is very personal and that caring cannot be generalized (pp. 110). She went on to say that, †if caring is used as an excuse to narrow the scope of our moral activity to be concerned only with those immediately around us, then it does have little to recommend it as moral theory”. (pp. 111)

Is Tronto’s Critique of Noddings justified?

Nel Noddings essay wrote about the traditional mother-child relationship, one that Noddings defined as the relationship of the caring and cared for. I felt that since this kind of relationship was one-sided, it could be misconstrued as manipulative and destructive. Noddings referred to the depth of our caring relationships as forming self-centered circles within our immediate family.

I also felt that there was a discrepancy about meeting unknown others whose new found relationship may make new requirements of care. Noddings maintained that the liberal view of human nature was based on a masculinist creation of the self, which sees each individual as separate and opposed to others. The theories and concepts it gave rise to were not gender neutral and reflected male norms and values. They did not contain the views of the woman. Moreover, I felt that Nodding’s argument failed to capture what was different about womens experiences, behavior, and ways of thinking and reasoning. Therefore, in my opinion, Tronto’s critique of Noddings is justified.


Noddings, Nel. Caring A Feminine approach to ethics and education, in Virginia Held, ed. Justice and Care Essential Readings in Feminist Ethics, Boulder, CO Westview Press, 15. (Pp. 7-0)

Tronto, Joan C. Women and Caring What Can Feminists Learn about Morality from Caring, in Virginia Held, ed. Justice and Care Essential Readings in Feminist Ethics, Boulder, CO Westview Press, 15. (Pp. 101-115)

Please note that this sample paper on Tronto and Noddings is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Tronto and Noddings, we are here to assist you. Your Essay service for your Cisco paper

Cisco¡¯s management set out the vision of the programs and gave active support for their implementation. Since ERP affects many aspects of how the firm interacts with customers and suppliers, Cisco¡¯s management communicated well with all stakeholders and was nimble enough to use efficient planning methodology that engages the entire organization. Cisco¡¯s robust, interactive process created a framework that brought about effective communications and alignment among key internal groups, and laid a solid foundation for implementation within the organization in order to make decisions fast and move forward.

Market Demand

Another overriding factor that attributed Cisco¡¯s success in ERP and Web-enabled IT markets is the demand for such systems. I do not consider this just a plain luck for Cisco in this market, because without strategic vision and an efficient management system, Cisco could have missed the market opportunities. Instead, Cisco timely grasped the opportunity, developed and built cohesion around the company¡¯s network management strategy. They quickly explored how ERP and Web-enabled IT systems were evolving and evaluated how Cisco¡¯s networking capabilities and standards were able to drive the demand from the market.

Customer Needs

In order to implement a unique, integrated approach for crafting market-driven strategies

that produce dynamic competitive advantage, sustainable growth and increased profitability, Cisco always put themselves in customers shoes ¨C to draw on input from customers, channel partners and employees, align research development and support investments with customer needs and values.

Supply Chain Management

For Cisco, the term ¡°customer¡± not only applied to those who buy from them, but also those network infrastructure equipment vendors who required their support. In addition to have direct relationships with suppliers, Cisco¡¯s success was to combine the expertise of distribution and contract manufacturing. Cisco¡¯s such approach in this case is a good example of how one firm has used Web-enabled IT to not only conduct business with its customers but also to recast its relationship to its suppliers, partners and distributors. In effect, Cisco created flexibility with its suppliers and manufacturers and decreased the cost of linking together Cisco, its manufacturers, and distributors

In summary, Cisco succeeded in accelerating the development of its ERP and Web-enabled IT programs through superior management strategy. Equally important are the factors that Cisco was able to rapidly understand the market dynamics and develop, validate, communicate and implement their management strategy, critique conventional wisdom and help us synthesize new understandings of market trends and customer needs. I consider Cisco will succeed with their endeavors if they continue to have a strategic understanding of the market breadth and contain the rigorous analytical and communication processes to capture growth opportunities.

Please note that this sample paper on Cisco is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Cisco, we are here to assist you. Your cheap college papers on Cisco will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment from and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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