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How to Change a Habit
1. The behavior I would like to change is my poor eating habits. I do not eat three meals a day, and the foods I eat are not always healthy. My roadblock is; I have an extremely busy schedule, which does not allow me the time to eat full, healthy meals. The new behavior I’d like to begin is eating three healthy meals a day, regardless of the amount of time I have.
. In an average day I do not eat breakfast, but will have a cup of coffee. I eat lunch at a Fast Food restaurants two to three times a week, and depending upon how much homework, children’s school activities and sports events, or household tasks I have, I eat a healthy dinner three to four times a week. Based on this pattern, I eat approximately seven meals a week. Four healthy and three unhealthy.
. The behavior I would like to change is my poor eating habits. As stated in question number one, I do not eat three meals a day, and the foods I eat are not always healthy. I can make this behavior less vague by concentrating on adding healthy foods to my diet whether it’s a snack or meal.
College Essays on How To Change A Habit
4. I plan to eat three servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
5. When having my morning coffee, I imagine myself pulling a banana off the kitchen’s banana tree and eating it. In addition, I plan to place carrots and a fruit in plastic bags and bring them to school for snacking. I’m sure I’ll stop at a fast food restaurant, but instead of ordering a burger, I plan to order a salad. I plan to eat a healthy dinner every night.
6. I plan to award myself by giving myself a point for each time I eat a full serving of fruit and vegetables. When I accumulate ten points I’ll allow myself to sleep in a little longer on Sundays.
7. Day 1 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (forced)
Day One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (forced)
Day One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (forced)
Day 4 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (forced)
Day 5 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (forced)
Day 6 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (unforced)
Day 7 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (unforced)
Day 8 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (unforced)
Day One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (unforced)
Day 10 One serving of fruit and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
This was a difficult project to do. Though I successfully had three servings of fruits and vegetables (one per day for breakfast, lunch and dinner) each day. Five of the ten days were forced. The other five became routine. It’s my hope that I continue to be conscious of what I eat and how often I eat it
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