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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Marketing: What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Marketing: paper right on time. Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Marketing:, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Marketing: paper at affordable prices !
Amazon VS. Barnes Noble
Jeff Bezos formed in 16. First products that he was selling on that website were books. In the first year of business there sales generated more than $10mill. After second year they generated $100 mill in sales, but because of Bezos’s vision for his company as superstore and constant investment into new products and advertisement, they didn’t show profit until recently. All this success didn’t go unnoticed by largest bookseller in the world BarnesNoble.
How has Amazon integrated the three components of the marketing concept into its organization?
Three components of the marketing are customer orientation, organization’s performance objectives and coordinated marketing activities. Whenever you purchase or look for a book on Amazon in addition to showing you your book, site also offers list of ten other books or things that other customers bought when they were buying that particular book and they think this will interest you as well. offers overnight delivery, 0% off the cover price, discounting bestsellers up to 50%, they did everything so that whenever customer in the future will think of buying a book they will know without hisitation that will offer them greatest deal and deliver it in timely matter. Bezos also a strong believer in heavy promotion . It was essential to build market share first and seek profits later. BUT, his overall objective was still profit, as it should be in every company.
College Essays on Marketing:
Describe which factors in the external macroenvironment will significantly affect the future of both Amazon and BN.
External Macroenvironment forces are Demographics, economic conditions, competition, social and cultural forces, political and legal forces and technology. In the years to come, more and more companies will be selling online books and video’s, and many already doing so, at much chipper price than Amazon and BN. When economy turns and these companies will have extra capital to spent on promotion and making sure that there company becomes household name, Amazon and BN will have tough time competing with these companies. As we see right now during recessional period , people tend to look carefully at what they buy and how much they spent on the product. They still spending, but now actually with doing some homework, therefore instead of buying books at BN or amazon they can go to or other such websites that will offer them the same product at 50% discount. Another problem that all online store’s face, is what will happen to them if people stop buying thing on the internet and will turn there back on the new technology (which I doubt ever will happen). Amazon at much larger risk in this situation than BN.
How will each individual factor influence the companies’ marketing activities?
If for example, competition will intensifies, it is essential for Amazon not to compete on prices but instead to point out to customer that they (the customer) should not trust other companies or websites and that Amazon is there only choice and it’s the best choice. They can offer nice sales incentives to long-term customers. Amazon also expanded there services beyond book selling. You are able to purchase almost everything on that website. This can be harmful to there business, because if customer is not satisfied with lets say piece of furniture they bought its much easier to call “Sears furniture” for them to pick up the product then to pack it and mail it back to Amazon.
Which of the two firms, Amazon or BarnesNoble, is in the best position to expand internationally?
Because Amazon was so successful in the US market, which BN dominated in book selling, I believe Amazon would be in the best position to expand internationally. If BN, because of there inexperience or stupidity or because of Bezos’s genius, could not outperform Amazon in domestic market,( where when you think of books the first thing that used to come to your mind was BarnesNoble,) they will be destroyed on international market. One of the reason people are still buying from is because it is easier for them to return that particular book back to the store that’s located on the corner. Amazon doesn’t have to worry about marketing strategy abroad, they will use the same domestic formula. on the other hand has a lot to consider and to think about .

Please note that this sample paper on Marketing: is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Marketing:, we are here to assist you. Your paper on Marketing: will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality. Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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